Marketing is about Story that generates
Awareness Leads Sales

Build your Brand Equity with a story that ENTERS your customer’s mind.

Success begins here

Who are we?

Red Line Asia combined innovative technology and Brand Story Strategy to create a competitive advantage for brands on B2B and C2B level – stories that engage and mobilise customers to remember and trust a brand.

Why should you consider us? We  position your brand strategy based on your strength that brings success without wasting your marketing dollars. 

How we turnaround business?

Our marketing research process in Four Steps:

  1. Identify brand market status and opportunities
  2. Structure marketing research process
  3. Analyze data and report on findings
  4. Provide Marketing Strategy
  1. Determine brand’s current market position

  2. Identify competition and long run potential

  3. Explore brand’s strength

  4. Establish a full brand positioning structure

From founder to product development, we create story that impact customers buying journey. In the new economy, customers will go with the brands that meet their expectations.

It is not about mass engagement, but finding the right audience with the same DNA for higher engagement, turning fans to customers.

The new marketing economy demands new way in business process. Network with buyers on and offline is one of the key engagement process in the buying circle. Not forgetting CRM in the process.

Multiple touchpoints

New economy requires new marketing approach. Brands need to reach out to customers with different  approach. Your digital footprint is more effective combined with business network. Our multiple touch points enable brands to build value and trust that lead to sales results.

B2B Digital Footprint


New economy no longer settles with massive exposures. Brand Economy takes over standard marketing strategy. Customers wish to to engage in their decision making with better understanding of their procurement process. A good story is the key in building brand’s market position.

KOL & PR Service

Social Media

Content comes in form of video, audio and written. The key is how engaging are we able to drive stakeholders or consumers towards the brand. Every stage of marketing needs the right set of marketing content to enhance its value. We find the right channel and words for your brand.

Social Media Marketing

Influencers Strategy

Word-of-mouth marketing is proven effective to build brand awareness and attract customers’ interest in product or services. The right combination of KOL KOC are crucial to influecers’ word-of-mouth campaign.

Ecommerce on Red & Wechat

B2B Network

Marketing is about leads and sales. Besides sales tools, brands will enjoy O2O trade network. The latter is vital for sustainable and long business relationship. We identify right partnership for our clients.

Retail Pop-Up Agency

E-Press Release

Never under estimate the value of Public Relations. Instead of traditional press release, we help brands tell their story to China market, build their profile as leader in the field, media events, awards and accreditations on major China e-Journals and specific industrial segments swiftly.


Red Line is one of the few digital agencies that understands how to strike a balance between online and offline marketing. The team is very helpful on every aspect. Within half a year, our Weibo fans have increased by 1,466% and our WeChat members have increased by 500%. Through online activities, Red Line has brought traffic flow to our offline shop and gave our sales team a chance to sell to new customers, bringing us additional sales revenue. It was truly a good experience and team to work with.

- Marketing Director, Chain Stores